
Space City Camp

What else?

  • Senior at Bradley University studying Political Science & English

  • Student Senate Speaker of the Assembly

  • Bradley University Speech Team President

  • Jimmy John’s Delivery Driver

Rodrigo (they/them)

During their time in high school, Rodrigo competed at Alief Elsik High School and represented NSDA Team USA. In 2021, Rodrigo championed NSDA in Worlds School Debate, finalizing their debate career. Later that fall, Rodrigo joined the Bradley University Speech Team, competing in Public Address and Limited-Prep events. Now entering their senior year of college, Rodrigo is an NFA champion in Persuasive Speaking, runner-up in Impromptu, and AFA finalist in Extemporaneous Speaking. In 2024, they competed at the National Speech Championship in five events (CA, PERS, INFO, IMP, EXT) and championed every single one. Today, Rodrigo hopes to channel everything they’ve learned and share it with others through Space City Camp.


After completing undergrad, Rodrigo hopes to pursue a graduate degree in Public Policy or Global Policy Studies with a concentration in Latin American Studies. In the end, Rodrigo wants to work as a political analyst at a Think Tank organization, teach as a professor, write as an author, and continue their work in the world of non-profit organizations.

3 Music Playlist

  • love the features

  • had to represent Alief w this banger

  • i love you faye