Space City Worlds
Space City Worlds School Debate Camp has been our specialty over the years. Our staff members comprise of Team USA alumni, WSDC competitors, NSDA champions, and prolific talented debaters on the circuit. We prioritize practice through daily mock rounds, drills, and exclusive 1:1 coaching. Dates are tentative
Space City Interp
Space City Interp is a 2-week long camp, typically during July. Our camp offers dozens of acclimated coaches to carefully cultivate your performance. From 1:1 coaching, to lit searching, to performance polishing, Space City Interp is engineered to bring out the best in you.
Space City Extemp
Space City Extemp's 1-week long summer camp is ran by a set of talented Extempers. Our camp is designed to maximize learning with electives, topic and content lectures. Even without any prior experience, our lab divisions tailor to your experience level and builds you up as a performer and competitor.